Luís Inacio Henriques Fernandes

If we continue to roam, with no strength to enforce the law right at the beginning of our independence, by the time corruption develops deep roots it will be most difficult to combat it

Luís Inacio Henriques Fernandes | Presidente Autoridade Municipal

Se ita kontinua la iha interese, no laiha força atu halo ema kumpri lei hahu kedas husi ita nia inísiu da independênsia, maka ho tempu wainhira korupsaun desenvolve nia-an profundu liu iha ita nia let, maka sei difísil liu atu kombate nia.

View Profile
1. Geography

Manatuto is one of the 12 Municipalities of Timor-Leste, located in the central part of Timor. It shares borders with the Municipalities of Baucau and Viqueque (east), Ainaro (west), Aileu (north) and is bordered by the Timor Sea (south). It has six Administrative Posts: Natarbora, Soibada, Laclubar, Manatuto, Laclo and Laleia, which together regroup 31 sucos.
In term of demography, Manatuto has a total population of 48,876 (Census 2015 – projection for 2019) and a population density of 27.36 pp/km2 for an area of 1,785.95 km2. Tetun, Galoli, Idate Habun and Dadua are the main local languages.

2. Toponymy

Like other Municipalities, the name of Manufahi Municipality has its own history. It is composed of two words: Mana and Tutu. According to the story, in the old times there were two groups of people living there, one was called Sau Raha (Soraha) and the other group Sau Lor (present day Saulidun). Sau Raga lived in the Soraha mountain, while Sai Lor lived in Sauhuhun mountain. They each had a king, and the two kings were brothers.

3. History

Historically, before the arrival of the Portuguese, Manatuto was ruled by different traditional authorities. In 1698, Portugal established its authority through Governor António Coelho Guerreiro, and started intervening on Timor’s internal politics, including in Manatuto. On April 20 1859, Governor Afonso de Castro established 11 Districts. Manatuto became a separate district, with its capital in Manatuto Vila, and bringing together the kingdoms of Bubur-Susso, Kablaqui, Fulau, Faturo and Turiscai. After World War II, Governor Oscar Ruas turned Manatuto the district into a Civil Circumscription composed of Barique, Fatuberlihu, Laclo, Laclubar no Laleia. Manatuto kept the same structure during the Indonesian occupation, and became a Municipality after independence.

4. Climate

In term of climate, Manatuto Municipality has rain on average twice a week between May and June, and almost daily from November to April. From August to October, the weather is dry and hot, and temperatures going up to 38°C.

5. Points of interest

Points of Interest in Manatuto include Cribas Waterfall and the Church of Laklubar. The Municipality is also known for a yearly celebration happening at the time of shrimp harvesting, named suru boek dance. Local traditional food included Balisaun, a dish of salted baby shrimps harvested once a year.

Explore & get to know the municipality

  1. Diresaun Serbisu Munisipal Agençia Fiskalização

    Kontaktu Naran: Agripina de Jesus Morais Soares Telefone: +670 77008275

  2. Serbisu Munisipal Planeamentu Integradu Dezenvolvimentu (SMPID)

    Kontaktu Naran: Antonio Soares da Cunha Telefone: 7704 5683/7583 9165

  3. Diresaun Serbisu Munisipal Agençia Planeamento

    Kontaktu Naran: Evaristo Lima Telefone: 7730 4217/7605 8793

  4. Diresaun Serbisu Munisipal Proteção Civil no Gestão Dezastre Naturais

    Kontaktu Naran: Jose Henrique da Silva Telefone: 7740 1775

  5. Diresaun Serbisu Munisipal Seguransa Alimentar

    Kontaktu Naran: Pedro Antonio Soares Telefone: 7748 5141

  6. Diresaun Serbisu Munisipal Apoio ONG’S No Suku

    Kontaktu Naran: Agripino da Silva S. R. Costa Telefone: 7814 1416

Annual Plan

Year Proposed value Attachment
No data

Annual Budget Allocation

Year Budget Allocated
No data

Meet Municipality Council Members

Luís Inacio Henriques Fernandes
Presidente Autoridade Munisípio Manatuto
  • 77304233
Eduardo Guterres
  • 77259110
Luís Inacio Henriques Fernandes
Presidente Autoridade Munisípio Manatuto
  • 77304233
Carlos do Rosario Cabral
Director Servisu Munisípal Finansas
  • 78188013
Antonio Soares da Cunha
Director Servisu Munisípal Planeamento Integrado Dezenvolvimentu (SMPID)
  • 77045683
Rosalia do Espirito Santo da Cruz
Directora Servisu Munisípal Rekursus Humanu
  • 78188013
Jose Henrique da Silva
Director Servisu Munisípal Protesaun Sivil Gestaun Dezastre Naturais
  • 78238132

© 2024 Administration Municipality of Manatuto