Manatuto,16-03-2023: Ekipa husi PEMSEA(Partnership in Environmental Management for the Seas of Asia ) ne’ebe halao ona atividade ho sistema integrated Coastal Management(ICM) iha Manatuto. Governu Korea du Suku hakarak oferese projetu kona-ba : “Reducing Marine Plastics in the East Seas Region” ba Governu Timor Leste nebe Sei asina Akordu iha Fulan Agostu 2023. Tan nee ekipa husi PEMSEA Regional nebe lidera husi Dr. won Tae Shin (Project Manager) no Mr. Thomas Bell halo konsultasaun ba stakeholders iha Munisipiu Manatuto. Munisipiu Manatuto Sai mos site ba Programa PEMSEA-ICM no Sai ona membru PNLG ( PEMSEA Network Local Goverment).